Delivered as part of the broader Silver Rainbow aged care capacity building project, this training introduces participants to the principles of LGBTI inclusive practice in Aged Care. The training addresses the Aged Care Quality Standards and their relationship to LGBTI cultural safety in aged care.

This training uses interactive activities, case studies and research-based evidence to build participant’s skills in inclusive ageing and aged care practice. The aim of Silver Rainbow training is to build the capacity of aged care services to adopt practices that create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex) older people.

Silver rainbow logo

About Silver Rainbow

We deliver Silver Rainbow Ageing and Aged Care Training in three formats, as follows:

  • 1 hour e-module (compulsory beforehand) + 2.5 online hour training
  • 1 hour e-module (compulsory beforehand) + 3 hour face-to-face
  • 5-hour face-to-face training (includes up to 1 hour of breaks)

    Any worker providing support or care to older people accessing aged care funded services. Settings may include residential aged care, independent living support, community care, home care, and respite.

    Whilst the training is predominantly for aged care workers in direct care roles, the training may be adapted for workers in other roles such as allied health, administration, support staff and volunteers (e.g., Community Visitor Scheme). The training may also be used as an introduction to LGBTI inclusion for management and leadership teams.

    1. Develop understanding of the lived experience of LGBTI+ older people.
    2. Increase knowledge of sector requirements for providing inclusive care.
    3. Increase understanding in providing inclusive environments for LGBTI older people accessing community and residential aged care services.

    Online trainings require a minimum of 15 staff, with no maximum.

    Face-to-face trainings require a minimum of 20 people and a maximum of 40. You will need to provide:

    • A training room with set up like a U-shape of chairs
    • Projector & screen or TV, with speakers
    • Wifi with capacity for YouTube videos
    • Gender neutral bathroom

    Silver Rainbow LGBTI+ Ageing & Aged Care Training is FREE, delivered at no cost to your organisation. 

    Want to organise on-site training for your workplace? You can invite our trainers to deliver on-site training at your organisation. We request a minimum of 18 trainees for these on-site trainings.

    If you cannot meet the minimum of 18 trainees, we encourage you to engage in our online training. However contact us if you have specific needs. 

    LGBTI Inclusive Aged Care Community of Practice (Online)

    We intermittently run online collaborative conversations where you can join as an individual and learn about LGBTI Inclusive Care in ageing and aged care settings, facilitated by Silver Rainbow trainers. There will be time for questions and answers, and discussions with other people working in your sector who are passionate about LGBTI inclusive ageing and aged care.

    Silver Rainbow Enquiry Form

    Enquiry form for aged care and health organisations looking to book Twenty10 to deliver training on LGBTIQA+ Inclusivity for aged care.

    How would you like us to contact you?(Required)
    You can select as many as you like
    Which format of Silver Rainbow Training(Required)
    (E.g. training at your organisation, speaking at a conference to social workers, consulting on your diversity policies).
    If speaking request, can you confirm you have the following available for our trainers?
    Would you like to be added to our mailing list to stay up to date with Twenty10 news, events, and future trainings?(Required)